by Lisa | Feb 23, 2016 | creative london wedding photography, creative wedding photographer, East London wedding photography, moments, wedding
Kids at weddings can help create some really amazing memories. This little girl followed El around until we got to their wedding venue, she didn’t want to leave her side until she spotted the disposable cameras Darren and El had left out for their guests to use....
by Lisa | Oct 31, 2014 | alternative london wedding photography, Alternative Portrait Photography London, alternative wedding photographer, creative portrait photography, creative wedding photographer, creative wedding photography, featured on Rock'n'Roll Bride, film, polaroid
So today is Jess & Jordan’s 1st wedding anniversary. This time last year I was heading down to Worthing to photograph their wedding. As always, on the way to the wedding, I was full or nerves and excitement, hoping the weather held out for their...
by Lisa | Aug 4, 2014 | alternative london wedding photography, alternative wedding photographer, alternative wedding photography, Alternative Wedding Photography London, creative wedding photographer, creative wedding photography, lisa jane photography, london, London wedding, London wedding photographer, Uncategorized
I am just putting the finishing touches to Emma and Carli’s wedding and I just couldn’t wait to share these photos with you. Every time I think about their day, I can’t help but smile. I shed a few tears during their ceremony, sung my heart out as...
by Lisa | Jun 30, 2014 | alternative london wedding photography, Alternative Portrait Photography London, alternative wedding photographer, alternative wedding photography, Alternative Wedding Photography London, baby photography, black and white photography, creative portrait photography, creative wedding photographer, creative wedding photography, East London wedding photography
So, it has been a little quiet on the blog front recently, and that is all because of the time and effort that has gone into getting the website up and running. Now the website is live, normal blogging can resume. I have photographed some beautiful weddings, hung out...
by Lisa | Jun 13, 2013 | alternative wedding photographer, Alternative Wedding Photography London, creative wedding photographer
Currently working on this beautiful wedding and I have fallen in love with these two images. To me they sum up the anticipation of the day, that quite moment.It’s the little moments like this that make me love the getting ready part of a wedding day.